The politics of nuclear weapons by ABDULBAQI JARI

International intrigues and diplomacy have always revolved around key important issues around the world. International and regional powers have been maintaining their powers using all means available. Power and force are the most important factors that determine dominance of world by superpowers. Economic and social dominance are mainly projected by force and power to maintain that force. The early world powerful empires subjugated other nations to maintain prosperity, dominance and economical prosperity.

Occupied or Subjugated states were made to pay huge taxes, their people made slaves and soldiers. The politics of using force to project might and to serve as a deterrent has been for a very long time.

In modern times, Nuclear weapon is now the tool for deterrence, projection and promotion of interest and an object for neo-colonisation of other nations. The United States is the only known country in the world that has used nuclear weapon on another state (Japan).

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki attack in 1946 will continued to be remembered because of the damage caused by the atomic bomb. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Many thousands were injured while some parts of the bombed areas are still radioactive and harmful. Japan’s fortune was changed and so was international maneuvers and calculations. The US later occupied Japan as a result of the attack and the fear installed because of nuclear weapon. That marked the beginning of the politics of the nuclear weapon and the use of force as a legitimate means to target threats and to deter potential enemies.

The United Nations Security Council has five permanent members who are nuclear powers. The US, UK, France, China, and Russia are the five permanent members. Other 10 non-permanent members are elected from different continents timely. Force and supremacy of fire arms were very important issues, and important factors in considering the power of a country in the 1940s. Now about 70 years after, the arrangement in UNSC is still the same despite important changes in international direction and considerations.

While force and power are still important factors, population, economic and technological development are also proving to be important too. The UNSC setting is now outdated and biased. This is because countries like India, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia and Germany are strategically important and powerful than the UK. These countries contribute more to international development than the UK.

The quest for self-defense and protection of territorial integrity is an important business to all countries of the world. Weak nations are always challenged by insecurity, insurgency and occupation. Many countries seek to deter potential enemies by using necessary means- with force as the ultimate. India and Pakistan are two neighbours in a constant conflict. Both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons. But that does not end confrontations. North Korea was, and perhaps, still a nuclear power.

Its neighbour, South Korea is not a nuclear power. That does not still deter confrontations. Israel is another nuclear power. The state of Israel is fully backed by the US. The use of force by Israel against the state of Palestine shows the significance of building strong forces. The five Arab states bordering Israel are not nuclear powers. Their forces are weak and not sophisticated. That is why they are being careful with Israel. The combined forces of Arab countries couldn’t face Israel, an enemy next door in 1967 and1973.

Because of the lack of focus of many Arab nations, despite over 40 years now, they are there still dragging while Israel is gaining grounds by the day. Iran took its lessons after become Islamic Republic. The new leaders after becoming Islamic Republic understood that power and strong forces are the answers to security threats, and maintenance of peace from aggressive antagonists. Soon after consolidating power and enriching the new system, the Iranian government starts to build up its powers. Missiles, tanks and war planes are now produced in Iran.

The world is increasingly becoming militarised. The US has over 500 military bases across the world. This is why China may hardly over take the US by 2030 as predicted.

China’s military power cannot be compared with that of the US. The US has dominated Western Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula, they are virtually under US occupation. Likewise Korean peninsula, including Japan, etc. The recent annexation of Crimea by Russia is yet another force for prosper theory implementation. The earth space is also militarised technologically. Hundreds of satellites are up there surveying and spying on other countries. Nuclear weapons may soon be positioned across the space as the fight for global dominance is sharply increasing.

China is challenging the US in Asia, Russia in Europe, Iran in the Middle East, and Brazil in the Americas. The challenge may be economical, political, or even social.

For a free, peaceful and prosperous world, the politics in arms must be eradicated. The US and Soviet Union in 1969 commenced an important step towards a nuclear free world. The treaty was named Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. The first step was launched in 1969 while the second step was signed in 1973. The two countries were not serious and that was why SALT was not effective. Thousands of submarines and aircraft still carry nuclear weapons patrolling our world. The US and Russia are also assisting other countries to develop nuclear weapon. They are still exporting their expertise to other nations. This is because they are aware of the fact that, “power is right”, and that force is the source of their strength.

Arms sales account for significant amount of international trade. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent to acquire arms. That is why the major arms producers and dealers in the world are always connected to international conflicts. They see it as a market not illegal business that claims the lives of innocent people. The sudden proliferation of arms in the hands of the people is yet another tragic hypocrisy from political actors. The rising number of insurgent groups, extremists, cultists, and terrorist groups are means of trading to arms companies in one hand, and political intrigue on the other hand.

How can large weapons like anti-aircraft be moved from one place to another with an aid from powerful supporters giving them back up?

A world without nuclear weapon is possible. For world peace and security, weapons of mass destruction must be eradicated. Why can’t two neighbours like Israel and Palestine live peacefully? The world order should be re- created to focus on peace and development. Business and diplomacy should be encouraged rather than the use of force. Respect for diversity, self determination and diplomacy should be promoted. In that way, nobody will feel threatened with weapons of mass destruction like the nuclear weapon. That way, we will have a prosperous world full of love and care.

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