Paper Presented at the Special Dinner for the Conferment of
Fellowship of The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) at the Banquet Hall, NAF
Conference Centre and Suites, Kado District, Abuja on Thursday, 21st July, 2016
at 6:00 pm
By Engr.
Prof. Simon V. Irtwange, FNSE
President and Chairman of Council Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria
1. Why the
Engineering in Nigeria in 2016
Engr. Otis
Anyaeji, FNSE President of The Nigerian Society of Engineers, in his “Onward
Strategic Vision for The Nigerian Society of Engineers” published in January,
2016 listed three main issues bedeviling the growth of Engineering in Nigeria as:
of Engineers in engineering matters/projects
deficit and
image/low prestige of the Nigerian Engineer
Engineering in Nigeria 48 Years Ago
Prince Segun Adedeji, FNSE posted the Communiqué of the first NSE Conference
held December 10 -14, 1968 on the Fellows Google Group on May 9, 2016 at 3:10
pm. After the preamble, the Conference recommended as follows:
(i) That
engineers should be represented at all stages of national planning and that
they should be included in the final decision making processes;
(ii) That it
should be a policy of Government that all professional ministries and
professional government corporations should be headed by professionals, e.g.,
the Ministries of Works and Housing, Transport, Communications, Industries,
Mines and Power that have high engineering content or technological bias should
be headed by professional engineers; Just to mention the first two, etc
The issues
that were raised in that Communiqué 48 years ago are still with us today – NOTHING
Failure to Walk the Walk
_ Workshop
on Value for Money in Engineering Projects Held at Gurara Hall, Rockview Hotel,
Abuja: 6 – 7 April, 2009
_ 19th COREN
Engineering Assembly Held at the International Conference Centre, Abuja: 3rd –
4th August, 2010

_ 20th COREN
Zonal Engineering Assembly @ Ibadan:7th – 8th June, 2011; Kaduna:12th -13th July
2011 and Enugu: 2nd – 3rd August, 2011
_ International
Workshop on Maintenance of Infrastructure Held at Rockview Hotel (Classic),
Abuja: 20th – 24th February, 2012
_ Upcoming: 25th
COREN Engineering Assembly, Akure: 8-10 August, 2016 (Another Jamboree? Just
Talking the Talk?)
Implementation Plan to encourage Walking the Walk
Even aspects of the Communiqué that has to do with COREN usually does not get
2. COREN to
the Rescue?
Establishment of COREN
established as a body corporate on 5th December, 1970 to end the lamentations
of the Nigerian Engineers with the following general duty of:
_ determining
who are engineers for the purposes of this Act;
_ determining
what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to
become registered as engineers and raising those standards from
time to time as circumstances may permit;
_ securing,
in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the establishment and
maintenance of a register of persons entitled to practise as registered
engineers and the publication from time to time of lists of those persons;
_ regulating
and controlling the practice of the engineering profession in all its
aspects and ramifications;
_ performing
the other functions conferred on the Council by this Act.
the emphasis on engineers to the exclusion of other members
of the engineering family
Challenges of COREN
not been able to deliver as envisaged due to several challenges:
Leadership Structure
_ 1 person
elected by Council as the President (gradually becoming a full time Executive
President even as Council is now constrained to meet 4x a year)
_ 6 persons elected
to represent NSE (gradually becoming the prerogative of Past
Presidents of NSE who go to COREN to fight for who becomes the next COREN
President; usually NOT elected)
_ 4 persons
appointed to represent Universities (more political than
– my personal little story)
_ 1 person
appointed to represent Polytechnics (usually an engineer)
_ 1 person
appointed to represent technical colleges (not sure !!!)
_ 6 persons
appointed to represent the States of the Federation (more political
professional – another little story)
_ 4 persons
nominated by the Minister (more political than professional)
_ 3 persons;
one each from technologists, technicians and craftsmen cadre
Total = 26
members who in some cases are more from one engineering discipline to the
exclusion of others, Civil Engineering in my time.
Administrative Structure
Council Committees are
_ Professional
Development/Education and Training
_ Regulation
and Control
_ Finance
and General Purpose
_ Registration
Support Departments are
_ Professional
Development/Education and Training (Accreditation, SITSIE, etc)
_ Regulation
and Control (Registration, ERM, etc)
_ Management
Services (General Administration, Human Capital, etc)
_ Accounts
(Stores, etc)
_ Registry
(IT, Legal, PR, Audit, etc)
These are
skewed more towards functional support areas than engineering which should be
the focus of the Council. The end result is an engineering regulatory body staffed
majorly by non professionals with an ineffective and emasculated Registry.
Neglect of Primary Function of Accreditation
The MOU on
Accreditation Visitation between NBTE and COREN signed on 27th March 2003
effectively transferred visitation to Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology and Technical
Colleges for purposes of accreditation, reaccreditation,
inspection and advisory visits to NBTE. Efforts in 2010 to determine/review
this MOU proved abortive.
therefore abdicated its responsibilities at the technologists, technicians and
craftsmen levels under the guise of co-regulation with National Board for
Technical Education (NBTE) even as there is no consideration for teachers that
produce skills at craftsmen level by COREN.
Neglect of Primary Function of Accreditation
So far,
COREN has maintained the regulation of engineering education in the
Universities through accreditation but there are indications that university
programmes accreditation has by and large become a footnote on COREN agenda and
implemented with friends and those that can return the favors (again, my
little story).
wonder, National Universities Commission (NUC), following in the footsteps of
National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) is making frantic efforts to also
take over this function under the guise of co-regulation - we shall
soon be left with nothing
A recent
letter from the Minister of Education to Vice Chancellor’s of Nigerian
Universities suggest that COREN seemed to have compromised on their regulatory
roles with resulting fall in standards of engineering education– is anybody
Failure of the Regulation & Control and ERM
Since the
establishment of COREN, no Regulations have been produced going by
Section 22 of COREN Act. However, efforts have been made in the following areas:
_ Engineering
Consultancy and Project Management Services Agreement, Charges and Conditions
of Engagement (ECOPACCE) – This Regulation has been signed by COREN President
and Registrar as an advisory and not by the Minister
_ Regulations
for Licensing of Engineering Firms –This Regulations is in a draft published on
COREN website on Monday, 05 October, 2015 12:05 for input of
Engineering Salary Structure:
In an
undated memo to Council, probably in March, 2011, the immediate past Registrar of
COREN, Engr. Felix Atume, FNSE, mni wrote: “The need to have a salary structure
for Engineering Personnel has become imperative.
the President, Registrar and other officials of the Council visit, they are
confronted by Engineering Personnel who demand to know what COREN is doing
about the
long over-due Salary Structure of Engineering Personnel. The demand is genuine
especially against the fact that other professionals such as Medical and
Doctors, Accountants and Geologists enjoy unique salary structures….
situation has become critically worrisome as Engineering Personnel watch their
colleagues lifted high above them either on graduation or on registration with
their professional bodies. For instance, fresh graduates of Geology have GL 09
as their starting point in the Civil Service while engineers are placed on GL
medical doctors are placed on GL 12. Council is kindly invited to consider the
report as presented above and discuss it with a view to achieving the objective
of getting an Engineering Salary Structure for Engineering Personnel”.
NEWS however is that the NSE President was scheduled to make a
presentation to the 38th Meeting of the National Council on Establishment (NCE)
in Minna holding from Monday 18th July, - Friday 22nd July, 2016.
The issues under consideration are:
_ That after
six years of academic and practical work in the University, the Engineer has to
train for at least another four years in the industry before he/she can be
_ That the
Entry Point for fresh Engineering Graduates of COREN accredited programmes into
the Federal Public Service should be Grade Level 10 step 4
_ That
Engineers be upgraded to Grade Level 12 step 5 immediately they get registered
with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN
_ That Entry
Point for Engineers already Registered with COREN be Grade Level 12 step 5
championing the cause for Engineers on the register of COREN. What about the
other members of the engineering family? Who fights for them?
2.3 Efforts to help COREN deliver
efforts have been made in the past to ensure that COREN functions properly:
White Paper (GWP) on the Report of the Presidential Committee on
Strategic Plans for Engineering Development in Nigeria: October, 2005 COREN
failed to distil the salient issues to make regulations to enforce the gainful
provisions of the GWP.
Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila has just proposed a Law in July, 2016 to restrict
foreigners from securing employment in fields where the competency of Nigerian
Nationals could be ascertained for purposes of capacity development and job
creation. We got this in the 2005 GWP under the expatriate quota provision (my little
story and encounter with former Minister of Interior Comrade Abba Moro at the public
hearing on abuse of expatriate quota at the National Assembly).
A Workshop on COREN Act was held on Tuesday
15th June, 2010.
Workshop dwelt on a lot of issues aimed at moving COREN forward. The Attorney General and
Commissioner for Justice of Kwara State, Dr. Ali Ahmed was the sole paper
presenter. The Secretary, Presidential Committee on Strategic Plans for
Engineering Development in Nigeria also attended and made immense contributions.
Some of the 13 resolutions reached were:
(a) That COREN
should adequately implement the COREN Act
(b) That COREN
should make rules and regulation as it is empowered by the COREN Act, so that
it can effectively regulate the engineering profession in Nigeria
(c) That COREN
should put every machinery in place so as to be actively involved in the
accreditation of Engineering Programmes in all Nigerian Universities,
Polytechnics and Technical Colleges
(d)That a letter should be
written to all ministries and parastatals directing that all engineering memos
must bear the stamp/seal of the issuing engineer
should take stock of the level of implementation of the Government White Paper
on Strategic Plans for Engineering Development in Nigeria
should enforce the law that all Engineering Personnel must register with the
Council and solicit that only registered Engineers are appointed
Ministers/Commissioners of Work, Steel and Power and Petroleum, just as it is
elsewhere, e.g., Ministers of Justice and Health always are Lawyers and Medical
Doctors Council at its 126th ordinary Meeting of Thursday 17th June, 2010 directed
that the F&GPC was best placed to drive the resolutions of the workshop
because of its terms of reference - END OF STORY.
a simple letter as in recommendation (d) was not done.
of the Structure of COREN:
During the
127th Ordinary Council Meeting of Wednesday, 29th September, 2010,
Council approved the engagement of a Consultant to carry out the appraisal of
the structure of COREN Registry for effective and efficient performance. The
Consultant who carried out a similar restructuring for NSE was contacted and he
submitted a proposal made up of the following:
_ Organizational
Structure Diagnostic
_ Identify
_ Generate
Alternative Organisational Structure Options
_ Define New
Organizational Structure
_ Conduct
Compensation Survey and Recommend New Compensation/Benefit Structure
_ Recommend
Training needs/Requirements
_ Define Job
Description and Specifications
_ External
_ Internal
Selection, etc
contract was awarded at an estimated total cost of N3,450,000.00 including VAT.
This was a case of self admission that all was (and still is) not well even
though the leadership structure was understandably unaffected by the scope of
the contract.
2.3.4 Engr.
A. A. Nahuche sub-Committee Report to Explore the Possibility of
COREN Financing its Recurrent Activities without the Federal Government Finance
– Paper No. FGPC/04/03 of 14th December, 2010. The report concluded as follows:
“Based on
all the available data, there is no doubt that COREN can finance its recurrent
expenditure entirely from the Internally Generated Revenue”.
status may relieve the Government of the funding of COREN and prevent the
situation where “he that pays the piper dictates the tune”.
2.3.5 In 2012, Senator
Dr. Ibrahim A. Gobir sponsored A Bill For
An Act to
Amend the Engineers (Registration Etc) Act Cap E11 Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria 2004 and for Other Matters Connected Therewith Bill 2012
The Bill
sought to amend Sections 1, 4, 6, 7, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 and Sections 1
& 2 to the first Schedule. Let’s take Section 1 and section 2 to the first
schedules as examples (the first and the last of the proposed amendments)
it Enacted by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as
follows Amendment of Cap 11 LFN 2004 .
The Engineers (Registration etc) CAP 11 Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria 2004 (in this Act referred to as "the principal Act") is
amended as set out in this Act.
the principal Act is amended by substituting the words “ engineers” with the
words “ engineering personnel” wherever it appears .
Amendment of
Section 1.
2. Section 1 of the
Principal Act is amended—
(a) in subsection (1) by
inserting a new paragraph (d) and (e) and re numbering the existing paragraph
(d) and (e) as paragraph (f) and (g) as follows —
New paragraph (d)
(d) operating industrial
training schemes in Engineering for the training of Engineering personnel
New paragraph (e)
(e) ensuring capacity building
and monitoring local content development in the Nigerian engineering industry through
the following means among others—
(i) mandatory attachment
of Nigerians to expatriate engineers on major projects to understudy them from inception
(ii) ensuring that all
foreign engineering firms establish their design offices in Nigeria;
(iii) granting of
compulsory attestation to all expatriate quota application that there are no
qualified Nigerians for the jobs in question at the time of the application and
(iv)ensuring that such
foreign engineering personnel granted work permit first register with the
Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria before being allowed to practice in
Amendment of
section 2 to the first Schedule
14. Section 2 of the first schedule
is amended in subsection (1) by inserting new subsection (2) and paragraphs (a)
–(c) and subsection (3) and by renumbering the existing subsection (2) as new
subsection (4) and a new sub section (5) as follows
(2) Enter and inspect
sites where construction, installation, erection, alteration, renovation
maintenance, processing or manufacturing works are in progress for the purpose
of verifying that -
(a) Professional
engineering services and works are undertaken by registered persons under this
(b) Professional
engineering works services and goods rendered by professional engineers ;
(c) Where any deviation
arises in respect to paragraphs (a) and (b) instruct ,direct or order the
suspension of any professional engineering services works , projects, and installation
process or any other engineering works which are done without meeting the set
out standards
(3) Plan, arrange,
co-ordinate and oversee continuing professional training and development and
facilitate internship of graduate engineers”
(5) Where any conflict
arises between the provisions of this section and the provisions of any other
written law for the time being in force , the provisions of this section shall prevail”
3. Can we Re-invent the Wheel?
Established 1958
The first
NSE Conference 1968
Established 1970
the creation of NSE? YES
Could NSE
had opted for Charter Status in 1970 rather than COREN ? YES
Are there
Charter examples? YES
Can you
list some of them? YES
_ Engineering
Council, UK
_ Institute
of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria
_ Nigerian
Institute of Management (Chartered)
_ Chartered
Institute of Bankers of Nigeria
_ Chartered
Institute of Taxation of Nigeria
_ Chartered
Institute of Marketing of Nigeria
_ Chartered
Insurance Institute of Nigeria
_ Chartered
Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria
_ Chartered
Institute of Stockbrokers
Is it too
late for NSE to reinvent the wheel? NO
Can we
continue to leave the future of engineering in the hands of 26 political
appointees who are there today and tomorrow they are not? NO
How can
this be achieved going forward? PROPOSE A BILL
Nigerian Society of Engineering Personnel (Chartered) (Establishment) Bill,
2016 (or any other appropriate name such as
Nigerian Engineering Society (Chartered), Nigerian Engineering Association (Chartered),
A Bill for
an Act to Provide for the Establishment of The Nigerian
Society of Engineering Personnel(Chartered) to provide for among other
things, the Regulation, Control, Enforcement and to Determine the Standard of
Knowledge to
Attained by People Seeking to Become Registered and Chartered Engineering
Personnel and for Connected Purposes.
The Bill
shall provide a framework for the proper operations of other
members of the engineering family that have been neglected under the
present arrangement and without whom engineering and the economy in Nigeria can
never be competitive. These are
_ NATE – Nigerian
Association of Technologists in Engineering
Nigerian Society of Engineering Technicians
_ NAEC –
Nigerian Association of Engineering Craftsmen
_ ACEN –
Association of Consulting Engineering in Nigeria
End Result of the Charter?
functions of COREN shall be taken over by The Nigerian
Society of Engineering Personnel (Chartered) thus effectively bringing
the Lamentations of the Nigerian Engineering Personnel since the first NSE
Conference in 1968 to an end.
It is
envisaged that Charter for the Nigerian Society of Engineers and the Nigerian
Profession in Nigeria will fast track CHANGE along the
lines of Professional Development/Radically Improved Engineering Education and
Training for the overall benefit of the country’s techno-economic development.
4. Is There
a Contemporary Example?
4.1 ICEN
Establishment Bill, 2016
4. Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria
(Establishment) Bill, 2016 (HB.
A Bill for
an Act to Provide for the Establishment of the Institute of Chartered
Economists of Nigeria to provide for among other things, the Regulation,
Control, and to Determine the Standard of Knowledge to be Attained by People
Seeking to Become Chartered Economists and for Connected Purposes
Parliament | 2nd Session | House of Representatives | Order
Papers | 23/06/2016
4. Is There
a Contemporary Example?
4.2 ICEN
Bill, 2016 & Proposed EP Charter Bill Contrasted
4.2 ICEN
Bill, 2016 & Proposed EP Charter Bill Contrasted
Proposed EP Charter Bill & COREN Act Contrasted
4. Is There
a Contemporary Example?
Provisions of ICEN Bill, 2016
Establishment of the Institute of Chartered Economists
Establishment and Composition of the Governing Council of the Institute
(Qualification and Tenure of Council Members)
Election of National President and Vice President
Establishment of the Board of Trustees
Admission into the Institute (Membership Privileges and Invitation)
6. Duties
of Members and Code of Conduct
Incidental Powers of the Institute
Financial Provisions
Accounts and Audit
10. Annual
Appointment of Registrar and the Preparation of the Registrar
12. Duties
of the Registrar
13. When a
Person Deemed to Practice as a Chartered Economists
14. Rules
as Articles, Practicing Fees, etc
Regulations and Rules
Location of Principal Headquarters and Regional Offices
Professional Discipline and Establishment of Ethics/Disciplinary
Offences and Penalties for Unprofessional Conduct of Members
Offences and Penalties General
_ Schedule 1
Section 2 Supplementary provisions Relating to the Council and the Institute
and Tenure of Office of Members
_Powers of
General Meeting of the Institute
_Meeting of
the Council
_ Schedule 2
Section 4(5) Supplementary Provisions Related to the Admission of Members into
the Institute
_ Schedule 3
Section 5 Code of Conduct for Members
_ Schedule 4
Section 13 Supplementary Provisions Related to the
Tribunal and Investigation Panel of the Tribunal
5. What Role for the Board of Fellows/ College of Fellows?
The Board
of Fellows/College of Fellows, assisted by the Legal Services Unit of NSE,
should come up with a draft charter bill acceptable to the Nigeria
engineering family and seek sponsorship by a distinguished member of the
National Assembly. The following documents are recommended:
_ The Bill
for an Act to establish the Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria
currently before the National Assembly
_ Similar
Acts of the National Assembly for Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered),
_ Similar
Chartered Institutes in Countries other than Nigeria
_ Onward
Strategic Vision for The Nigerian Society of Engineers” published in January,
2016 By Engr. Otis Anyaeji, FNSE President of The Nigerian Society of Engineers
_ Government
White Paper on the Report of the Presidential Committee on Strategic Plans for
Engineering Development in Nigeria: October, 2005
_ Engr. A.
A. Nahuche sub-Committee report to Explore the Possibility of COREN Financing
its Recurrent Activities without the Federal Government Finance – Paper No.
FGPC/04/03 of 14th December, 2010.
_ A Bill For
An Act to Amend the Engineers (Registration Etc) Act Cap E11 Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria 2004 and for Other Matters Connected Therewith Bill 2012
sponsored by Senator Dr. Ibrahim A. Gobir
_ All NSE
& COREN Conferences and Workshops Communiqués from 1968 to date
Engineers (Registration, etc) ACT CAP E11 2004 _ NSE MEMART
Guidelines for Divisions and Branches
_ Relevant
NATE, NISET, NAIC and ACEN publications
Thanks for your Kind
I hope NSE can attain this heigth of achievement anytime soon to end this long awaited feet.
ReplyDeleteIt's high time. I think the problem revolves around lack of involvement of engineers in politics and decision making at the highest level. You don't expect the lawyers, bankers or even some crooks/monsters we have as leaders to stand-in for engineers - the engineers are in the best position to turn things around by themselves. So engineers must get into those key positions and do the needful. Though some may be following this route already but there's still a long long long way to go and in some cases, the very wrong ones are the ones doing this. I am not only referring to the grade stuff but an engineer's way of thinking/solving problems if harnessed well at the top level can infact make the difference.