Interview With Nigerian Inventor Of Portable Hydroelectric Generator

A spark media correspondent sat down with Emeka Nelson, a graduate of the National Metallurgical Training Institute To Discuss his latest innovation- a portable Hydroelectric generator which has the potential to solve Nigeria’s power problem.

Tell us about your Innovation?

Thank you, The Portable hydroelectric generator (which I called AKPAIKE in local dialect which means power box). This particular machine is just like our normal electric generator sets but this one is more compact in size, uses water only as its fuel instead of gasoline, has a capacity of 610wats Max and is still considered as a prototype. A larger capacity design of this portable generator is already in progress and will be out soon, it will have a capacity of 10kv, will have better and advanced features with much more portable size.

What inspired this Innovation?

I have been doing this since I was old enough to think.i say that my inspirations are embedded in the fact that problem and needs of man society are numerous so am always on the verge of trying to help and proffer workable solutions to all these needs and problems with the little I have. I just can’t stand certain issues we are facing and this moves me to do something about it.

 How do you feel this can help the Nigerian Power sector?

The truth is that a country without power is faced with underdevelopment and backwardness, today the world is moving out of the era of fossil fuel into clean and green energy, you can imagine a situation where you need only a few litters of water to power your works will go a long way in addressing Nigeria and Africa power issue by the time it is harnessed. Mgbanwe c13 and the hydro electric generator will soon change all that.

Give us an estimate of how much this generator would retail for?

I can’t say that for now till the machines are ready for market.

What is the next step for you and your Innovation?

I have applied for intellectual property right through the ministry of trade and investment, i have also already registered a company in collaboration with a friend, I am also open to investors and they are coming.

What Other Innovations Can We Expect From You?

THE MGBANWE C12, which means to change or transform something into something better. It’s a machine that turns hydrocarbon related wastes like plastic, waterproof, nylon etc into petrol, kerosene, diesel and some other heavy oils and best quality interlocking stone. The interlocking stone is produced from the machines waste after the whole conversion to fuel.

The first model which is the MGBANWE C12 has a smaller capacity of about a litter per feed. Currently, we are building a larger capacity of the same machine which is about at least  5000 liters of fuel on daily basis and I called it MGBANWE C13.

I  also have the FARMER MACHINE,  a machine that cuts grass n and converts it into Biogas and organic manure.

Any Challenges Faced?

Funds, Lack of developmental and research labs, the attitude of the government, lack of viable local materials. All my works are 80 percent local materials component.

What advice would you give to young and aspiring inventors?

The only advice to other young teaming brains around is that on this quest, there might be pains, disappointments from all angles, frustrations and betrayal are inevitable and it’s only the humble and patient hearts that can make it to the end. Expect less from the government because they don’t value people like us and do the right thing and the money will come

by Tomide Adeyeye

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