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NSE President champions Tech-driven, interdisciplinary training for Young Engineers


The President of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Mrs. Margaret Aina Oguntala, has recommended the empowerment of young engineers through quality teaching techniques, leveraging technology and promoting interdisciplinary learning.

 Oguntala stressed that these tools and knowledge would enable engineers to solve complex problems and drive sustainable development.

A statement she made recently at the 2024 Conference of the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE), held at the New Brookfields Hotel on Jomo Kenyatta Road.

 The conference theme was ‘Contemporary Approaches to Engineering Education and Practices’.

As the chair of the first technical session, Oguntala set the stage for discussions on emerging approaches to engineering education, addressing climate vulnerability, artificial intelligence in education and general practices, and the role of engineering diplomacy in foreign policy.

She highlighted the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing among engineers from different countries and disciplines, noting that conferences like this provide an excellent platform for such interactions.

She recalled her recent visit to the Nigerian Minister of Education, where the NSE sought support for initiatives aimed at revitalising technical and foundational engineering education from primary and secondary schools.

Engr. Olu Ogunduyile FNSE (COREN VIce President, delegates from Kenya, Ghana, and Engr. Joshua Egube (NSE EXecutive Secretary.


Their discussions also included reviewing the engineering curriculum in tertiary institutions to align with contemporary advancements.

 Addressing engineering education, Oguntala noted, is crucial for preparing upcoming engineers for leadership roles in industries.

 She described the conference theme as timely and essential for advancing the engineering profession in a rapidly evolving world.

She emphasized that the responsibility to ensure that engineering education and practices meet current and future demands and challenges.


“Engineering education is the bedrock upon which the future of our profession is built. It is imperative that our educational systems adopt contemporary methodologies that foster critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills,” Oguntala stated.


Furthermore she said NSE’s commitment to fostering strong ties with engineering counterparts across Africa and beyond.


“We believe that by working together, we can tackle common challenges, share valuable insights and contribute to the socio-economic development of our nations. This conference is a testament to the spirit of cooperation and unity within the engineering community,” she stated.


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