what is your message to the those people attending the Guardian's New York summit next week?
My message to the industry is this: work with us to seize the great opportunities of our time. The advance of information technology and the advent of social media have given us powerful new tools not only to reach people, but to promote action by them. Over the past year, the United Nations has spearheaded an unprecedented global conversation among more than one million people from all regions and backgrounds, particularly the poor and excluded, on their priorities for the post-2015 development agenda.
My message to the industry is this: work with us to seize the great opportunities of our time. The advance of information technology and the advent of social media have given us powerful new tools not only to reach people, but to promote action by them. Over the past year, the United Nations has spearheaded an unprecedented global conversation among more than one million people from all regions and backgrounds, particularly the poor and excluded, on their priorities for the post-2015 development agenda.
In September, we issued a report that captured those voices and presented a vivid picture of the world people want. Our challenge now is to make that future a reality. More than 12 million people now follow the United Nations on social media, and we are seeing like-minded individuals and groups come together to support causes such as the eradication of poverty and to promote mutual tolerance, understanding and respect. Technology has globalised communications. Now we have to globalise compassion and citizenship................ Ban Ki Moon