The Nigerian Society of Engineers in collaboration with Federation of African Engineering Organisations (FAEO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) invites Technical Papers for the year 2016 International Engineering Conference holding at Tropicana Conference Centre, Uyo, Akwa Ibom state from 21st – 25th November, 2016.
Manuscripts accepted for the conference must be submitted in electronic form as a single electronic file CD-ROM or flash Drive. The current software format is that of Microsoft Word (MS-Word) latest edition.
All drawings shall be prepared electronically with software compatible with Microsoft Office suite (e.g. MS-PowerPoint, Visio) and integrated seamlessly into the MS-Word document. Photographs shall also be digitized into JPEG format and inserted seamlessly into MS-Word document
Mathematical equations shall be constructed within MS-Word document, using the Microsoft Equation Editor included with the MS-Office suite.
All tables shall be labeled at the top with the word “Table” followed by a sequential numerical letter.
Paper size: A4
Margins: Left margin: 3cm
Right margin: 3cm
Top margin: 3cm
Bottom margin: 3cm
Submission of full text, 10th August 2016
Review and Correction of full text, 28th September, 2016
Receipt of final Corrected texts, 14th October, 2016
Notification of Acceptance of Papers, 28th October, 2016
Electronic Submission should be sent to the following email address: